Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sex (I'm a)

Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By, un album ucigator de senzual, precum culoarea parului tau sau a dorintelor tale ingradite de timp si spatiu.
Tu, cocktail italiano-rus pentru dezlantuirea unui dezmat spiritual aproape perfect. Joci frumos un joc periculos in care intru pentru ca nu-mi mai pasa decat de filmele pe care mi le dai, filme cu arome antitetice de junk-food si rare specialitati marine, cu vise de o decandenta nobila, potrivite cu aspiratiile noastre boem-burgheze..

Dan, i need you now!
ok Mikey.. come!

feel the fire
feel my love inside you so bright

there's a sound and the smell of love on my mind
i'm a toy
come and play with me, say work now
wrap your legs
around me ride me tonight
sex, sex, sex

i'm a man
i'm a goddess
i'm a man
i'm a virgin
i'm a man
i'm a blue movie
i'm a man
i'm a bitch
i'm a man
i'm a geisha
i'm a man
i'm a little girl
i'm a man
and we'll make love together

why does man go to hooker
first of all because
he quite often is not all that happy and sexual satisfied at home
his wife won't perform all the activities he has in mind
and most of all, oral sex is a taboo
the woman would say "what do you think I am, a whore
i don't want to do that!"

slip and slide when you're where you like to feel the blood flow
not to fast
don't be slow my love's in your hands

i'm a man
i'm a boy
i'm a man
i'm your mother
i'm a man
i'm a one night stand
i'm a man
i'm a bi
i'm a man
i'm your slave
i'm a man
i'm a little girl
i'm a man
and we'll make love together

most of them come to a hooker and say
"my wife oh my wife is she dead in bed
she's frigid, cold as a starfish!"
they take off the pants
and their underpants
there's nothing more ridiculous than a guy with his party socks on
he dives into the bedroom
he says "do me!", suck it!

skin to skin
honey hold tight
come inside it's a passion play just for you
let's get lost in the magic place alone now
drink your fill from a fountain of love wet your lips

i'm a man
i'm a teaser
i'm a man
i'm a virgin
i'm man
i'm a one night stand
i'm a man
i'm a drug
i'm a man
i'm your slave
i'm a man
i'm a dream to find
i'm a man
and we'll make love together

i'm a man
i'm a goddess
i'm a man
i'm a hooker
i'm a man
i'm a blue movie
i'm a man
i'm a slut
i'm a man
well i'm your babe
i'm a man
i'm a dream to find
i'm a man
and we'll make love together

we'll make love together
we'll make love together
we'll make love together
we'll make love together

fuckin piece of shit
one little two little three little indians
suck it firehose

Sunday, October 18, 2009


In forma bruta, o mostra scrisa din ultima compozitie rava :

Rabda, Rebeca, tot ce auzi acum prima data
Rabda, Rebeca!
Rabda, Rebeca, tot ce auzi acum
Si simte, Rebeca, tot ce n-ai simtit niciodata
Simte, Rebeca!
Simte, Rebeca, tot ce simt acum

Striga, Rebeca, cum n-ai strigat niciodata
Striga, Rebeca!
Striga, Rebeca, nu te mai aud
Fii buna din nou, plangi, usuca-te toata
Fii buna, Rebeca!
Noapte buna, Rebeca, nu te mai aud
Nu te mai aud…

Stai langa mine si-asculta bine
Pana la urma-ai sa cazi cu blestemul in tine

Suflet manusa cu ochi de papusa
Aripi tatuate-n jumatati de spate
Tine minte, Rebeca!
Viata minte, Rebeca..

Alba idee cu trup de femeie
Carne vulgara-ntr-o iluzie rara
Noapte buna, Rebeca!
Adio, Rebeca, nu te mai aud…..

Stai langa mine si gusta din toate
Ne-asteapta un veac de singuratate


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Belle comme tout

Am langa mine un fel de frantuzoiaca...E femeia despre care va spuneam ca trebuie sa fie artista, trebuie sa se alinte, sa fie frumoasa si puternica.
Pentru moment simt ca ma apropii de unicitatea noptilor pariziene si de grandoarea splendorii ascunse..

Simt la fel de bine ca avionul meu de aur abia decoleaza. In ce directie, nu stiu..

Tu dis:"T'es belle comme tout, tout, toute nue
Sans tes tabous"
T'as la tête à l'envers, vers vers
Sur mon genou

On sait surtout se taire
Siroter le même air
Le silence te va bien, si bien
J'entends la mer

On se dit tout sur tout
Puis on en vient aux mains
Désordre intime
L'eau a le goût du vin

Avec toi, je ne me sens pas nue
Je ne me sens pas non plus
De celles que tu
ne reverras plus

Que passent les nuages, l'âge, l'âge
Que passent les orages
Tu regarderas dehors, hors hors
Tu dis encore

On se laisse la place
On devine on s'efface
Ce sourire te va bien, si bien
J'aime quand tu passes

On se dit tout sur tout
Puis on en vient aux mains
Désordre intime
L'eau a le goût du vin

Avec toi, je ne me sens pas nue
Je ne me sens pas non plus
De celles que tu
Ne reverras plus
Avec toi, je ne me sens pas nue
Je ne me sens pas non plus
De celles que tu
Ne reverras plus

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Autumn leaves

Asta e tot. Atena e pe urmele noastre si stiu ca va fi bine.
Ca e vorba de destin sau nu, tu vezi sa nu-ti faci coc..condu cu grija, asculta muzica, uita, viziteaza-ti parintii, munceste, mananca si la pranz, fumeaza mai putin, muta-te, aminteste-ti, zambeste, nu-ti fie teama, priveste detaliile, cresti, aprofundeaza, invata, canta chiar,...iubeste!

Iti multumesc...