Friday, November 20, 2009
Dupa socotelile mele sunt un individ norocos si, in linii mari, fericit. Stiti deja, mie imi ajunge sa fiu atent la detalii pentru a trai impliniri marunte care, adunate, incropesc ceea ce altii nu gasesc cautand o entitate imensa care sa poarte titlul de fericire.
Astfel de maruntisuri imi sunt daruite (poate pentru ca mi le doresc foarte mult) de subconstientul propriu sub forma de vise. Visele cu adevarat sublime sunt pentru mine cele irelevante din punct de vedere al actiunii, dar foarte puternice ca imagine. Notez acum ultima experienta de acest gen, una cu adevarat marcanta si care vine intr-un moment in care eram aproape convins ca viata relativ asezata la care am revenit nu mai permite astfel de viziuni.
Un vis foarte colorat in nuante care nu sunt convins ca exista in realitate.
Ma aflu intr-o padure absolut obisnuita intr-o seara cu aer cald..privesc de sus miscarea de la nivelul solului..acolo, dedesubt, o adunare bizara de pasari multicolore alcatuind publicul spectator al unui concert ce sta sa inceapa..Pe un covor de pene innebunitor de colorate imprastiate peste tot se aliniaza papagali aurii, cormorani albastri fosforescent, pauni cu cozile desfacute si, la fel de insufletite ca si pasarile insele, nenumarate bijuterii si ornamente alcatuite din penele lor, toate asteptand cu infrigurare recitalul nocturn al celor de la The Real Tuesday Weld. Concertul face parte, se pare, dintr-o serie de activitati culturale dedicate faunei ornitologice a padurii respective, si este atractia principala a celor cateva zile de festival. Sentimentul cu adevarat tulburator este acela dat de faptul ca trebuie sa cobor pentru a asista impreuna cu paunii la acest eveniment. Ma intreb acum, retrospectiv, daca am fost invitat in calitate de seaman al lor sau de nebun care viseaza ca participa la un spectacol sustinut de The Real Tuesday Weld in cinstea societatii pasarilor din padurea de foioase...
In orice caz, viziunea fiind atat de puternica si de absurda, m-am trezit cu zambetul larg al omului care stie ca a fost undeva unde nimeni nu va mai merge asta, dragilor, intrece orice fel de bucurie constienta.
Scriu toate astea aici pentru ca nu sunt atat de obosit incat sa am jurnal pe hartie si nici atat de nerecunoscator incat sa-mi asum riscul de a uita asemenea tripuri.
Piesa din setlistul concertului care n-a apucat sa aiba loc :
The Real Tuesday Weld - Someday
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Yes, boss
Cele mai "rosii" piese postate pe bellamuzica mi-au fost sugerate de catre femei. Admir atentia pentru detalii, cineva trebuie sa o faca - intelegeti ce vreti.
Decor bun pentru inlantuiri tihnite. Freelove, my Love?
Hello sweet pie
I'm really glad that you could make it...
I think we should get straight to business...
Show me what you've got...
It's all yours...
Yes boss...I'm on the mic...
I'll try to give you what you like...
I can be soft...I can be hard...
Let me do the B-part...please...please...
Sugar, close..and yet so far...
I would love to take you to the B-part...
But I'm afraid we're not quite there yet...
So darling...Grab that mic again and give your best shot...
Yes boss...I'm on the mic...
I'll try to give you what you like...
I can be soft...I can be hard...
Let me do the B-part...please...please...
Oohh yeahh...that's what I call sweet music...
I really like what you're doing here...
yet...I think you're gonna have to work a little harder baby...just a little harder...
Yes boss...I'm on the mic...
I'll try to give you what you like...
I can be soft...I can be hard...
Let me do the B-part...please...please...
ohh yeahh...way to go...
now we're really getting somewhere...
It's getting hot in here...
Hit me baby...hit me one more time...
Yes boss...I'm on the mic...
I'll try to give you what you like...
I can be soft...I can be hard...
Let me do the B-part...please...please...
ooollaaalaaaa...I think you've got me there baby...
come along...come along baby...
here comes the B-part...
... ... ...
Monday, November 9, 2009
Anger management
Astea mici isi serbeaza majoratele, astea mari imi spun sa dorm din cand in cand caci mi se adancesc ridurile. Cele mijlocii sunt tot mai multe, mai frumoase si mai aproape de ideal. Spre deosebire de toiul verii insa, frigul aduce urme fine de singuratate..departe totusi de a fi dureros. E totul moale, in expectativa dulce, cu prognostic favorabil si evolutie lenta. Creste progresiv si numarul de unitati dentare rezolvate pe zi. Am ajuns sa-mi placa? Mi-e dor de scena si mi-e dor sa am iubita. Nu iubite.
Iar proiectul Lovage in care este foarte prezent si Mike Patton (cunoscut mai ales de la Faith No More), e powerplay de zile bune.
A doua mostra:
my inner demons compel me to be here
your cheeks are flush like rose petals
you're consumed with rage but i'm consumed with you
our eyes intertwine through the haze
intoxicated by your bloodshot stare
in all of my dreams i never thought i'd see
a face that could launch a thousand ships
and the music was like wind in your hair
the moonlight caressed your silhouette
kiss of ocean mist is in the air
why must god punish me this way
lay down my hand the next move is yours
as you undress me with your frozen eyes
in all of my dreams I never thought I'd see
an endless love to share my blue lagoon
and the music was like wind in your hair
the moonlight caressed your silhouette
kiss of ocean mist is in the air
why must god punish me this way
happiness is hard to come by
but I've had my fair share
the satin sheets, the lemon peels
the minor keys, the major pills
we've climbed the mountain, saw the top
and planted the apple seed
and can't you see we could've had it all
and the music was like wind in your hair
the moonlight caressed your silhouette
kiss of ocean mist is in the air
why must God punish me this way
and the music was like wind in your hair
the moonlight caressed your silhouette
kiss of ocean mist is in the air
why must god punish me this way
why must god punish me this way
this way, this way, this way ...
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