Friday, June 26, 2009
To Pluto's Moon
Pentru ca de voie de nevoie, realitatea ne cuprinde cu ambele brate cand ne surprinde surprinsi de absenta sa, mai coboram o zi de pe climaxurile balearice, trecem, nu fara tristete sincera peste evenimentul zilei, si ascultam ceva atat de frumos incat pleaca in fascicul divergent spre fiecare suflet ce se intreaba "why din you go like this?", straduindu-se sa-l inteleaga si sa-l aline.
Drumul spre luna lui Pluto e pavat cu intentii bune...
My Brightest Diamond - To Pluto's Moon
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Yin & Yang
In ultimele zile mi-a variat mereu conturul. Au fost in mare parte nuante de verde fosforescent, apoi, destul de marcant, alb magnetic completat de linii negre. Mi-a facut capul un mic "8" in mare viteza, am trecut apoi prin triunghuri de scanare pe culoarul din spatele carora nu se intampla nimic spectaculos, asa ca m-am intors. Aici imi zambea Londra cu gura pana la urechi pentru ca nu ne vazusem de ceva timp, apoi fetei ii crescura coarnele si se facura mai aprinse la varf. Dupa 5 zile in schimbare de contur, ajung la concluzia ca nu aveam habar despre puterea muzicii, a crepusculului de vara si a prieteniei cu oameni fascinanti!
Chambao - El yin y el Yang
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Incepand cu fontul blogului astuia pana la cele mai utopice idei despre cum ar trebui sa fie viata pe calea pozitivitatii, am o nevoie cronica si o dorinta apriga de alb. Casa in care ma gasesc e aproape alba, lumina ce ma scutura in permanenta aici e una perlata, suava si nedefinita intre nuantele de alb ale gandirii. Zambesc mai linistit si levitez mai usor pentru ca simt albul ochilor oamenilor buni ca pe un semn de iubire pura.
Idealul suprem a devenit albul din "clockwork orange"-ul lui Kubrick cu tot cu lapte, fotolii, pantaloni si idei. Si daca cea mai frumoasa femeie din lume va fi, cu rochia sa extravaganta, singura pata rosie intre peretii albi de sticla ai apartamentului meu de deasupra New York-ului, voi insista atunci pe langa divinitate sa primeasca si aceasta imperfectiune ca prelungire a unui vis desavarsit ce trebuie si va fi urmat..
Aria Urbana - Doruri
Swing 2 Harmony
Pentru ca ti-a fost greu sa-mi ceri asta si pentru ca ti-ai calcat pe suflet indraznind s-o faci, voi incerca sa postez mai des...daruindu-ti, in ultima instanta ca de la om la om, putin din muzica ce ma iubeste in fiecare zi.
Stilurile vor fi, desigur, atasate fluctuatiilor starilor mele de dispozitie...Deasemenea, cred ca ai observat o inclinatie si mai mare, sezoniera (sau nu), pentru muzica electronica, in speta trance, house, minimal, dnb si breakbeat; pe langa eternele chill-out-uri si trip-hopuri fara de care nu traiesc.
M-am trezit acum cu mare chef de piesa ce urmeaza, proaspat traita cu prietenii pe dealurile Buciumului.
PS:Dragii mei, desi sunt in plina sesiune, m-a luat tare cu revelari de vise si trairi...I'm back in full throtlle!
Perasma - Swing 2 Harmony
Shot with white seashells
Am cam inceput sa va povestesc...
In ultimul vis rascolitor, am fost impuscat cu scoici albe : cate una in fiecare din talpi si in fiecare palma. Mi le-am scos fara emotii si fara urmari...Cea din piciorul drept insa, mi-a lasat o rana intr-o forma perfecta de sex feminim...Fragila, calda, o cos???
In talpa mea sta esenta fericirii : femeia si marea din ea.
Heather Nova - Aquamarine
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Wicked game
Am avut acest vis colorat (primul care m-a marcat atat de mult) acum 2 sau 3 saptamani.
Se facea ca ma aflu in Bora Bora si prin fata bungalowului in care locuiesc curge un rau el pluteste un canoe cu doi bastinasi incredibil de frumosi care-mi zambesc a liniste. Padurea tropicala prin care trece raul este cel mai colorat lucru pe care l-am privit vreodata, pajisti de flori mov domina imaginea. Papagali imensi, soare puternic, miros de seva, apa calda...explodez! Totul se misca in reluare..
Visul asta mi-a umplut si mai mult existenta. Din noaptea in care el mi-a fost daruit, am reusit ca prin puterea mintii, a muzicii si a vocilor calde din jurul meu sa-l retraiesc de cateva ori. Mi-as dori sa va pot da ceva asemanator. Atata frumos te ravaseste..
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Ruth, roses and revolvers
Ruth, Roses and Revolvers - The Real Tuesday Weld
Let’s make a film, it’ll be such fun
All you need is a girl and a gun,
We’ll pump it full of art and sex
It’ll make a sure-fire success
Of you and me
And if I crumble in the face of lust
The porn, pain and prescription drugs
Will get me through
So don’t tell me I’m not thinking straight
I’m looking rough but I’m feeling great
I promise you
There’s no turning back, Ruth
It’s too much love that’s killing me
So that method stuff and your empathy
I just don’t need
Performance problems in the bed
We’ll beef up your part with blood and sweat
Just make-believe
That you’re as happy as a bird
Who thinks that “cage” is just a word
We call home
And all your existential holes
Will clog up when the camera rolls
I swear
No, there’s no turning back, Ruth
There’s no turning back, Ruth
The world’s too big and life’s too short
To act so badly out of sorts
We all grow up
But it feels like the end has come
And we’ve only just begun
To live, my love
No, there’s no turning back, Ruth
All you need’s
A girl, and a gun
Give me a gun
Monday, June 1, 2009
Montagne-russe-ul acesta este dintre cele mai rapide si nu deraiaza niciodata.
Se gaseste in cel mai dotat parc de distractii din Europa.
Who's up for round 2? And 3? And 4?
O doina de jale :
The only aphrodisiac I need is your voice
Hearing you speak my name
Beckoning me to answer
Telling me you want me
So I tell you that you're the answer to every question I've ever had about love
Without words I use my tongue to tell the tale of us
Tracing your shadowscape
Kneeling before you my eyes feast upon your masculinity and
All its divinity and I praise you
Because all of that is for me
I begin to indulge myself of your delicacies
Digesting semi-sweet dark chocolate decadence as it melts
Dripping down my chin
Your taste is something that I ever couldn't re-create
Needing every atom of your anatomy
Necessity is placed upon me knowing you are the source of my serendipity
Dipping in and out of me stroking more than my consciesness
Subconsciously I find myself rewinding our love scenes
In my daydreams
Seeing that face you make when you're making me cum
And it makes me want you right there and then
Thinking of you in inappropriate places I get
Tingling sensations in private locations where I wish to be caught between a rock and your hard place
As wetness develops my legs begin to open and my spot turns to a backdraft and all I want you to do is extinguish it
You know my body like the back of your hands
And touch me and send me into ecstacy
My thighs quiver in anticipation of deep penetration which gets me high
Body rising
Make-up melting
Pulling my hair and
Scratching my back
I get a temporary case of tourettes because all I can say are four letter words in a four octave-range screaming your name
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
I see your tongue pink between your lips and I want it between mine
And I struggle
As you lick torturing me
I try to get away but
Not really
Running out of room begging for more up against the wall that has been scuffed by my stilletos
You pry apart my thighs and tell me to be still
And I willingly submit to you because I love the way you dominate me
Demanding that I cum for you so I do as I'm told
You've molded me so I'm good to no-one else but you
You've conquered this once orgasmicless world and multiplied it
Again and
My face radiates with after-glow
My pillow scented by you
A fragrance which haunts me
My room smells of the best sex
Covered in body prints and finger prints and you above me
Your name written indelibly upon my body in your genetic history
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilïngual
Se gaseste in cel mai dotat parc de distractii din Europa.
Who's up for round 2? And 3? And 4?
O doina de jale :
The only aphrodisiac I need is your voice
Hearing you speak my name
Beckoning me to answer
Telling me you want me
So I tell you that you're the answer to every question I've ever had about love
Without words I use my tongue to tell the tale of us
Tracing your shadowscape
Kneeling before you my eyes feast upon your masculinity and
All its divinity and I praise you
Because all of that is for me
I begin to indulge myself of your delicacies
Digesting semi-sweet dark chocolate decadence as it melts
Dripping down my chin
Your taste is something that I ever couldn't re-create
Needing every atom of your anatomy
Necessity is placed upon me knowing you are the source of my serendipity
Dipping in and out of me stroking more than my consciesness
Subconsciously I find myself rewinding our love scenes
In my daydreams
Seeing that face you make when you're making me cum
And it makes me want you right there and then
Thinking of you in inappropriate places I get
Tingling sensations in private locations where I wish to be caught between a rock and your hard place
As wetness develops my legs begin to open and my spot turns to a backdraft and all I want you to do is extinguish it
You know my body like the back of your hands
And touch me and send me into ecstacy
My thighs quiver in anticipation of deep penetration which gets me high
Body rising
Make-up melting
Pulling my hair and
Scratching my back
I get a temporary case of tourettes because all I can say are four letter words in a four octave-range screaming your name
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
I see your tongue pink between your lips and I want it between mine
And I struggle
As you lick torturing me
I try to get away but
Not really
Running out of room begging for more up against the wall that has been scuffed by my stilletos
You pry apart my thighs and tell me to be still
And I willingly submit to you because I love the way you dominate me
Demanding that I cum for you so I do as I'm told
You've molded me so I'm good to no-one else but you
You've conquered this once orgasmicless world and multiplied it
Again and
My face radiates with after-glow
My pillow scented by you
A fragrance which haunts me
My room smells of the best sex
Covered in body prints and finger prints and you above me
Your name written indelibly upon my body in your genetic history
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilingual
You fucking me makes me bilïngual
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